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Devi Parikh - Words, Pictures, and Common Sense - The Frontiers of Machine Learning
Devi Parikh - Q&A - The Frontiers of Machine Learning
Session 1 Panel Discussion - The Frontiers of Machine Learning
Devi Parikh - Some Vision + Language, more AI + Creativity
S1E15: Anima Anandkumar with Devi Parikh on Humans of AI: Stories, Not Stats
AI Systems That Can See And Talk
AI Lounge: Q&AI
S1E05: Y-Lan Boureau with Devi Parikh on Humans of AI: Stories, Not Stats
[S2 Re-sliced] 43. Is there anything you'd like to talk about that we haven't covered?
Cooperative Visual Dialogue with Deep RL - Devi Parikh (part 2)
S1E16: Rahul Sukthankar with Devi Parikh on Humans of AI: Stories, Not Stats
[Re-sliced] 31. How do you decide what to work on?